Let's meet ...
Natasha Barnes
& Julia Mallett

If you’ve asked AF to quote for your electricity supply, or arrange a new connection, there’s a good chance you’ve spoken to either Natasha and/or Julia.

So we’re introducing you to both of them in this week’s ‘Let’s meet …’!


Natasha Barnes

I joined your AF Energy Team in 2014, after 16 years working in the retail banking industry.

My primary focus is on negotiation of contracts for new supplies (for gas, electricity and water), including the fully managed transfer and on-boarding process we offer. I also arrange new connections.


Getting a buzz out of the job

Over the years I’ve seen big changes within both the energy industry and AF. At times, these changes have presented challenges for our Member, your AF Energy team and me. But these challenges are also what make my job so interesting.

My day-to-day can be very varied, helping Members from all around the UK with very different businesses and needs. I never know exactly who, or what, I’m going to face each day, but the one thing every Member has in common is the need for guidance and support with their energy.

Whether a Member is looking for an electricity, gas, or water supply, I work with each member to explain the complexities of their contract(s) and make sure they have all the information they need to decide what is best for their business. I enjoy this aspect of the job most, as it’s so rewarding knowing every Member has gone away in a better position than when I first spoke to them.


Making a splash

When I’m not at work, you’ll either find me getting my lengths in up and down my local swimming pool, or working on the renovation of my house.


Natasha Barnes New Supply Specialist

natasha.barnes@af.farm  01603 881 951


Julia Mallett

I’ve been at AF for nearly 5 years, initially as part of what was then the Utilities Billing team, before moving to my current role in your AF Energy team, Supply Management Specialist.


A leap forward

In my early days at AF, we processed all electricity invoices manually. I can’t describe what a daunting task this was – we received over 1,000 invoices per day! Each had to be validated before being scanned into our billing system.

Things took a huge leap forward when we started receiving invoices electronically. I used what I had learnt in invoicing when I became a Supply Management Specialist, but instead of validating invoices, I was investigating ones which failed validation. It’s given me the really interesting opportunity to problem solve, working directly with Members to resolve their invoice queries.


A new challenge

Last September I was offered the opportunity to assist Natasha in New Supply for electricity contracts. A key part of your AF Energy team, I jumped at the opportunity to get stuck into this new challenge.

Once we obtain the details of what a Member needs, we request a price from our supplier EDF. This is when things get hectic, because we only have a short time to get this quote to the Member and for them to accept (if they wish to) before the quote expires.

There’s plenty to learn and I’ve relished getting to know the process from request to quote to acceptance, and how to set up new sites in our portfolio.


Revving things up

On race days, you’ll find me at Snetterton where I love working in the media office (with the press), selling programmes and seats at a grandstand, or taking tickets sales on the main gate. Conversely, my favourite way to relax is with a good book, curled up on the sofa with my very old cat, and some music on in the background.


Julia Mallett Supply Management Specialist

julia.mallett@af.farm   01603 881 939

Save money. Save time.