Let's meet ...
Kristian Dunham

8 years ago I was working with AF Members although not with my current AF hat on. My own AF journey started at the age of 21 when I was selling country clothing, ammunition, and firearms to many local Members who often had invoices billed through their AF account. Upon learning what AF was and stood for, my interest was piqued.


Guess my age

Despite my appearance, and the perhaps cruel guesses from colleagues (no names mentioned), I’m now 34 and have been with AF for close to 7 years. To be clear, I’m not 41 as some have guessed.

Originally working as part of the General team sourcing a vast variety of inputs for Members. This time gave me insight in every area of AF and I’ve always been impressed by the diversity of inputs our Members come to AF for help with.

I’m now lucky enough to be procurement head for several categories within AF, General still being one of them. It’s still the diversity of offering that holds the greatest sense of satisfaction for me.  One minute its building materials, next machinery, onto livestock feed, insurance or phones. I never know what the next call or email might yield. Ensuring Members benefit from our supplier relationships is something I’m now privileged to spend my days working on.

Perhaps it’s this diversity and category spread that’s led to my not so youthful appearance!


Younger generation

Outside of work my time is taken up by my two girls, Ayda age 9 and Ivy age 7. They try their hardest to keep me young! Most weekends are taken up ferrying the girls to various activities, swimming, dancing, parties etc.. I suspect like many it feels a little like being an unpaid taxi driver. Any spare time the girls allow is currently taken up by house renovations, we moved at the end of 2022. If I’m really lucky, and manage to sneak past both girls and my wife, I can be found in my garage. Either cleaning or tinkering with a car. One of the few activities where I completely switch off, my time!


The future

I’m currently studying for my MCIPS status and am still 18 months off completing. But I hope my career at AF will extend well beyond that. The things I enjoyed about AF back when I started are still what I enjoy today. With a little luck I’ll still be working with our Members when I do actually reach 41!


Kristian Dunham   Head of Livestock Inputs & General

kristian.dunham@af.farm  01603 881 809

Save money. Save time.