Let's meet ...
Jason Curtis

My two loves – financial control and football – are both the better for teamwork and lots of goals. I’ve worked with AF for almost 4 years now, initially as Senior Management Accountant and for the past couple of years as Financial Controller.


My Experience

I am a qualified Certified Accountant with over 20 years post qualification experience.  I have worked in financial services, insurance, housing and the motor industry.  Each role has given me an insight into a new business sector, none more so than when joining AF as back then I had little or no knowledge of procurement and farming.  

My day to day role varies from managing the AF Finance team, preparing monthly management accounts, budgeting, forecasting and treasury.  In addition, I am ably assisted on the Purchase Ledger side by Julie Phillips, our Purchase Ledger Specialist and her team.


Purchase Ledger

The Purchase Ledger team are one of the busiest teams in AF, and although they will rarely come into contact with our Members, without them the whole process would not run smoothly at all.   We receive about 40,000 invoices a month from over 600 suppliers and the majority of these suppliers will send in statements which need to be reconciled by the team prior to making monthly payments.


Challenges and Progress

During my time here I have overseen some difficult yet rewarding challenges.  I can honestly say that the progress made in the past couple of years is, I believe, helping provide a more professional and efficient service to our Members, suppliers, and colleagues alike. We have a clearly defined strategy which myself and everyone else at AF understands and want to achieve.


Microsoft Excel

In addition to my accounting background I am an advocate of using Microsoft Excel in my day to day work as much as possible.  I find this particularly useful given the vast amount of functions which can be used to make many tasks much more efficient.  I have a very good knowledge which I enjoy sharing whenever I am given the opportunity, trying to enable colleagues to save time on their tasks too.


Outside of AF

Outside of AF my main passion is football, whether that be running the line or coaching my eldest daughter’s football team or watching my beloved Norwich City, with whom I have had a season ticket for 36 years (I know I don’t look that old 😊).

And referring back to my love for Excel, that doesn’t just stop with AF.  I have a few football spreadsheets I maintain too.


Jason Curtis   Financial Controller

jason.curtis@af.farm 01603 881 853

Save money. Save time.