Let's meet ...
Frances Roberson

I joined AF in July 2019 as Biomass Harvest Coordinator. My current role is Livestock Inputs Coordinator.

No two days ever the same

I speak to a diverse range of Members on a daily basis. Whatever livestock related products you’re looking for, it’s my job to find and procure them for you. I think the most unusual thing I’ve procured so far is an electric fencing system for a Member who urgently needed it to keep their bears in!

Developing my expertise

Last year I passed my AMTRA qualification, making me a R-SQP/RAMA. It means I’m qualified to prescribe a range of animal medications such as vaccines, wormers and fly treatments.

I enjoy representing AF at events. It’s always a great opportunity to speak with Members and suppliers as well as listen to experts in our field sharing their ideas or latest findings.

I’m always keen to get out on farm to learn about our Members’ businesses and discuss how AF Livestock Inputs can help them get more from their AF Membership. 

Farming through and through

I grew up on a mixed beef and arable farm in North Norfolk. I loved our cattle from an early age and my interest in livestock remains a strong thread through everything I do to this day.

In the office I am widely known as ‘Miss YFC’ for my longstanding involvement with Norfolk Young Farmers and the wider National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs. I have taken on a wide range of Young Farmers’ roles over the years at both Club and County level. I’ve even sat on the national Agri Committee. Right now I’m busy organising our county rally day at the start of June.

My proudest role to date has been my year as Norfolk County Chair, serving from September 2021 to September 2022.

My time with Young Farmers has taught me so much, from increasing my confidence in public speaking to giving me fantastic leadership experience. It’s taken me from the early days of club meetings in village halls all the way through to debating reform of Farm Business Tenancies with Baroness Rock, discussing barriers to new entrants to farming at DEFRA, being invited to afternoon tea in the House of Lords and being presented to HRH Princess Anne at the Royal Norfolk Show. None of this would have been possible without Young Farmers.

I feel strongly about creating opportunities for new entrants into farming. I will continue to work towards creating opportunities for the next generation to establish something of their own for years to come. 

My passion for countryside pursuits

In my spare time you’ll find me in one of two places. In the spring and summer months I’ll be at a shooting ground hitting as many clays as I can. In the winter, you’ll find me on the shooting field beating or picking up with my Labrador and Cocker Spaniel.

Frances Roberson Livestock Inputs Coordinator

frances.roberson@af.farm 01603 881 944

Save money. Save time.