Let's meet ...
Duncan Abel

I joined AF almost seven years ago with no background in agriculture and farming. I quickly came to learn and love what, at the time, was a new industry to me.

Opening the door to new Members

As part of the Membership Team I’m one of the first members of staff to speak to farmers and rural businesses looking to join AF. Those initial conversations help a prospective Member understand what AF membership can offer, how AF works and the benefits of joining the cooperative.

I answer questions about what we do and how we do it. I work with colleagues across our procurement teams to identify savings and benefits, even offering detailed benchmarking, and report the results and findings back to the prospective new Member.

Helping current Members make the most of their membership

I work with current Members across the southern half of the country, helping to solve problems, provide information, and make sure AF is delivering the professional procurement services and information each Member needs.

I make contact with Members over the phone as well as meeting them face to face on farm and at events. Looking after Members further afield means I cover lots of miles; and see some beautiful parts of our countryside and visit some amazing farms and rural businesses. Meetings held on site give me valuable insights into how a Member’s business works. I identify opportunities for that Member to make even more use of their membership, or to see where their AF membership is already making a clear difference.

Covering such a large geographical area also means that I encounter and work with all types of businesses. From large estates and international companies to smaller farms and family businesses. I work across the full spectrum of farming and have members who have all their land in environmental schemes, to those who contract vast swathes of land, and those who produce and sell their own produce. The variety is endless and is what makes my job so interesting.

A passion for pans

Away from work I like to be in or on the water (sailing & bodyboarding) and I’m a keen cook. Following the easing of Covid restrictions, I set up my own catering business, specialising in cooking paella and tapas for public and private events. So, if you have a celebration planned and are looking for a special meal to serve your guests, I’d love to hear from you. You can find me as Pura Vida Pans on social platforms too.

Duncan Abel Membership Account Manager

duncan.abel@af.farm 01603 881 841

Save money. Save time.