Fighting your cause to keep you connected

We’re hearing more reports from Members of Vodafone signal issues in Norfolk, so your AF Telecoms team has collated these complaints. Together with supplier Comm-Tech, we’re challenging Vodafone to do something about it, and the good news is they’re taking your complaints seriously. If you experience signal issues (on any network) and your mobile contract is with AF report the problem here.

We’ll share updates on what we’re doing on your behalf, and what action the networks are taking, on this page. 

What has happened so far?

Vodafone sent engineers to North Norfolk on 20th May. Using smartphones to simulate users traveling by car, they gathered a vast amount of technical data and information which Vodafone are now analysing.

Vodafone are using the information and data they’ve gathered to establish what works are needed to resolve the problem, and a timescale for these.

They identified several mobile phone masts across East Anglia needing their radio frequency power increased, as shown on map below:

Increasing the radio frequency means the mast covers a wider area, reducing ‘black spots’. But it must be done slowly – too much too soon can cause other problems.

Members in North East Norfolk should be seeing improvements in signal. 

Vodafone’s Service Optimisation team have made changes that have had a dramatic impact on dropped call rates across the cluster masts shown in red on the map below. This cluster of sites had shown a larger average drop call rate compared to others in the area.

The graph below shows volume of recorded service drops being around 4 to 5% on 21st May, latest correction adjustment occurred 4th July. From 5th of July onwards you can see the recorded drop rate significantly reduces to 0.5%. There will always be some dropped calls in a network just based on the “mobile” nature of users and devices. 0.5% is considered very good given seasonal impacts, building interference etc.

Vodafone anticipate phase frequency increases will be completed by the end of July.
They will also schedule further drive testing to measure improvements from power increases around the area.

The signal faults you’ve reported have been key in getting the network to look at these Member locations.
It’s important you continue to tell us about service drops, using our Report Phone Signal Issues form. This will enable us to keep up the analysis and required improvement work.

O2, Vodafone and Three are partnering to build, and share use of, new mobile masts to boost mobile coverage in the UK. Around 200 rural locations are part of this £1 bn Shared Rural Network (SRN) programme.

Vodafone has also undertaken wider network modernisation, meaning its 4G coverage now reaches 99% of UK premises. It’s also retired its 3G network, so these radio frequencies can instead strengthen 4G and 5G services across the UK.

If you experience signal issues (on any network) and your mobile contract is with AF report the problem here.

Vodafone systems process millions of lines of data across the network for mobile activity. It’s important you keep telling us about dropped calls etc (using our form). We’re also using live data and examples from the last 24-48 hours to assist Vodafone in identifying both newly affected areas where analysis is needed, and those already known to need further improvements.

  1. Check your sim card – if it’s an older, red (3G) sim let us know and we will replace it free of charge with a white (4G) sim.
  2. Keep your phone charged to help pull in a strong signal.
  3. Regularly turn your phone off and on.
  4. Replace old, worn out handsets.
  5. When driving, put your mobile in a cradle with a clear ‘view’ of the sky.
  6. Set your phone to 2G to make voice calls or send texts (if you’re not sure how to do this, ask us).
  7. Perform a manual roam regularly:
    • Go to ‘Settings’
    • Tap ‘Connections’ or ‘Wireless Networks’,
    • Then select ‘Mobile Networks’
    • Choose ‘Network Operators’
    • Turn ‘Automatic’ off
    • This will list all available networks
    • Try to connect to anything other than Vodafone
    • This will fail
    • Turn ‘Automatic’ back on
    • Turn the phone off for a minute, and then turn it on again
    • Repeat up to 10 times if signal doesn’t kick in

Vodafone’s key aim is to offer a more reliable and consistent network.

They’ve planned a range of system-wide optimisations over the next few months. Some have already kicked off during June, but more is planned throughout summer. 

Get in touch

Your AF Telecoms team is here to help. Get in touch with us by email to or call 01603 881 909.

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