Crop Protection:
introducing AB15

AB15 is a Countryside Stewardship Scheme two-year legume fallow seed mix.


What are the benefits?

It provides ample food for insects, with legume flowers providing food sources for bees and butterflies, which feed on nectar and pollen. This in turn provides food for farmland birds.

This mix improves soil health, enhances soil biology and structure and builds fertility for the following crop. It also provides very effective weed control, creating a break to assist in management of challenging annual grass weeds such as black-grass.


What are the requirements?

The seed mixture must contain a minimum of 6 flower species.

You can include grasses such as cocksfoot, perennial ryegrass or timothy in the mix. They establish quicker than legumes, helping suppress black-grass and other competitive grass weeds. They also mop up surplus nitrogen, reducing risk of leaching.

Mixes should be established as soon as possible after harvest, and maintained until 15th August of their second year.

To prevent black-grass heading, the mix should be cut at least twice during the first 12 months after sowing and between 1st March and 31st October.


How much will you get paid?



Which mixes are available?

Many options are available, dependent on your requirements.

We have secured the below mixes at competitive prices. Order before 7th July to save 18% on grass mixes and 4% on mixes without grass.

We’re expecting stocks of these mixes to run low and prices to increase, so order early,

Please see available options below:


To discuss AB15 mixes for your farm or order email or call 01603 881 906. 

Save money. Save time.