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Livestock Inputs insights
Buffing your bottom line with minerals
Your AF Livestock Inputs team’s expertise doesn’t stop at straights. We’re also on hand to help with all your blends, compounds and supplementary minerals. And whether you’re looking to place a one-off order at spot market price, or are considering contracting your annual feed and supplement needs, we’ve got you covered.
Not only do we work with a wide range of suppliers to get the right product on farm at the right time, we also pride ourselves on saving Members money.
Recently, a Member in Leicestershire got in touch to talk about Acid Buff rumen buffer for his cows. His nutritionist had recommended this to reduce the risk of rumen acidosis (which it does by stabilising rumen pH).
The Member had already been quoted £790 per tonne. We obtained a range of quotes for different buffers, coming in as low as £610 per tonne. The Member’s nutritionist specifically wanted Celtic Sea Minerals in this buffer, so we procured the product for £680 per tonne, giving a saving of £110 on this one tonne order.
If you’d like to find out more about the feed and minerals we can procure, get in touch with your AF Livestock Inputs team by email to livestock@af.farm or call 01603 881 905.
Don’t leave feed prices to chance
December was an AF record-breaking month for Members entering into feed contracts.
Your AF Livestock Inputs team brokered 23 new contracts for over 3,600 tonnes of feed covering the period February ’24 to April ’25. That’s just under £1 million of feed!
Feeds contracted included rapemeal, soya, 50:50 soya/rape layered blend, wheat feed, ground maize and bespoke blends.
Why now?
AF Feed & Equipment Specialist Alastair Nottage negotiated the contracts on behalf of AF Members. He says, “The prospect of possible increase in January’s milk price, and December feed market prices being at an acceptable level for the time of year, meant Members were keen to contract a proportion of their livestock feed to give themselves price certainty.
“So far, we’re seeing this momentum continue in January. Some producers have now seen a milk price increase, albeit a small one, which has buoyed sentiment at the outset of the year. Some are concerned about the impact of bad weather on the UK wheat crop, and current poor corn (maize) harvest in US, so are taking a proportion of cover now whilst prices are acceptable, in case of future price increases.
“Also, the longer attacks in the Suez Canal continue, increasing fuel, journey time and insurance costs of shipping, the more likely it is we’ll see these costs passed through to end users.
Our key message to our livestock farmer Members is we’re keen to work with you to plan your feed requirements ahead and discuss whether it’s a good time to procure the feed you need.”
How can AF help you?
If you’re interested to find out more about AF feed procurement, talk about what’s happening in feed markets now, or have questions about whether feed contracts are for you, your AF Livestock Inputs team is here to help. Get in touch by email to livestock@af.farm or call 01603 881 905.