AF Group

Savings Calculator

See how much AF could save you on key inputs. Our tool averages savings across a wide range of products & services. Want a bespoke estimate? Book a benchmarking call with our experts.

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Use the AF Savings Calculator

Try our no-obligation AF savings calculator to discover how we can help. Answer two questions. First, choose which option best describes your business.

Select services and input spend

Second, tell us the categories of inputs you buy and your current (or predicted) annual spend. The more categories you buy, the more money you could save.

Your results

Great news! We calculate we will save you money! For more information or to join AF click the red button below your results, fill out the call back form and we’ll be in touch.
You could save up to...
£ per year

Savings are calculated after subtracting our service charge and membership fees below:

Arrange a callback

Arrange a call back

Start the conversation. Join 3,000+ Members who enjoy truly independent and specialist advice and best value input prices plus seamless integration with accounting systems. Fill in your details and we’ll be in touch soon.
The AF Savings Tracker

Discover savings we get for thousands of AF Members.

We price track all categories of inputs and services we procure for our Members. We closely monitor savings we leverage – by using our mighty buying power - with over 1,400 suppliers across the UK.

See live evidence on our Savings Tracker

Book a benchmarking call

Ask and we’ll give you a personalised proposal of savings you’d enjoy as a Member of AF.