AF Group

Richard Twose, Twose Farms Ltd

04 February 2025

Richard Twose and family rear livestock on their 700 acres in West Wales.  Their business relationship with AF gives them guidance for cost-effective decision-making, great prices thanks to large-scale buying power and makes buying their key inputs simple and efficient.

Driving costs out of the business 

“We’ve been an AF Member for 15 years. You meet farmers that think they can get really good deal themselves because they’re big. But their size is tiny compared to the scale of AF Members as a whole. The mindset of saving money through a buying group and co-operation is probably even stronger in the next generation. They don’t see going it alone as a benefit. There’s strength in numbers which is what a buying group is.”  

What do you get from AF? 

“I feel confident, whether it be fuel or feed or whatever, we’re getting it at a competitive price. We get advice too.  

 We have 420 pedigree Holstein cows. Son Iwan has 20 Dairy Shorthorn cows. We run a flock of 300 registered Lleyn ewes. Nephew Joseph has 20 Hereford cows and sells breeding stock and boxed beef. Niece Betsan has a successful patisserie on the farm. There is a specialist at AF who can help.” 

Richard's experience with AF in his own words

Animal health up for less cost  

“There are big savings by buying anima s and we call AF to order.   

“What we order through AF arrives in ideal condition and we put it straight in the fridge or use it straight away. We’re finding that works really, really well.  

“We’ve halved our antibiotic use this last 12 months and increased use of vaccines, which we get through AF.”

Richard Twose, Twose Farms

“In my pocket I’ve got AF Fuel Cards I use in local garage or wherever we go in the country to sales. Quite a saving: it was as much as 20 pence lower. Not quite as much now, but certainly 10 pence in it anyway.  

“The rolled wheat and our proteins are sourced through AF. We found it easy to sort prices, a fixed contract and we’ve got peace of mind that we’ve got what we need.”  

“We’re nowhere near the top yet but trying to get to the top! And I think part of that is driving costs out of the business and making it easier to purchase. Which is where being with AF helps.” 

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