AF Group

Joined-up thinking & technology to harness value from natural capital

25 January 2023

We hear how more of our Members are interested to measure and monetise the value in farm natural capital. We’ve looked at the range of tools to assess and capitalise on your land’s biodiversity and carbon and for 2023 have chosen to partner with Trinity Agtech to bring you a discount of 15% on the first year’s subscription to their Sandy software.

Maximising farm income matters, naturally

Farm profitability will rely on more than crop and livestock productivity. “We understand that credibly managing a farm’s natural capital will be essential to a farm’s business resilience,” explains AF CEO, David Horton-Fawkes.
“We knew the scientific and impartial approach to analytics, offered by Sandy, was essential.”

Carbon counts in farm futures

In a ‘show of hands’ poll during our AF Wednesday Webinar “Cracking the Carbon Quandary” most of the Members online put themselves at level three or below when it comes to their own carbon journey. That’s why there was so much interest in what farmers Glenn Anderson from Wendling Beck and Jake Freestone had to say, for example how Overbury Farm Estate uses Sandy software to calculate carbon emissions or footprint and the carbon sequestration or capture potential.

Banking on biodiversity

As well as covering farm carbon, the other farm natural assets covered by Sandy is biodiversity. We will hold a webinar on this topic too which will focus on how to analyse existing and enhanced farm flora and fauna - and find financial return from it. We will hear from farm’s that have built strong partnerships with local specialists to identify and record species of plants, insects, birds and mammals. They will show how maintaining and enhancing them, brings real business benefits as well as profound pleasure.

Navigating your farm’s natural potential

Measurements of soil health, water quality and abundance of wildlife are, for some, new milestones for farming. Finding a way through the changed landscape of this new era of agricultural management can seem confusing. That’s why farms can benefit from the natural capital navigator Sandy software.

“As the UK’s leading farm input buying group, our purpose is to help our farmer Members run their businesses more productively and more profitably,” explains David Horton-Fawkes. “Sandy enables our Members to confidently evaluate, manage and monetise their natural capital using the new generation navigator developed by the leading scientists and technologists in this area.

From Trinity AgTech, Richard Anscombe adds, “AF provide their Members with independent, authoritative support to help maximise their farm’s business performance and we’re delighted that they’re working with Sandy as their natural capital assets navigator of choice.”

To find out how to get your AF discount on Sandy contact AF Crop Protection Manager Lee Oxborough by email to or call 01603 881 931.

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