AF Group

Information regarding current fuel filter blocking issues

20 April 2021

 We have been advised by some members of filter blocking issues with summer grade fuel.The fuel industry commenced switch back to summer grade fuel from Mid-March. Summer grade fuel is rated down to -5°C with a cloud point of +3°C. Since this date, AF have placed orders of over 6.5 million litres for our members and have received a handful of reports of filters blocking prematurely.As you will be aware, we have seen a number of frosts recently. Our suppliers have reported that this appears to be the reason for filter blockage.A recommended, short-term solution is to use Shell’s GTL, which has a lower operating temperature and no FAME content. For more information on Shell’s GTL product, please click here.If you are experiencing filter blocking issues, please inform the Fuel team who will take this information to our suppliers as a matter of urgency.If you have any further queries regarding your fuel, please contact the Fuel team via or call 01603 881911.

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