AF Group

Co-operatives co-operating

26 April 2023

Today is the launch of the Agri Procurement Alliance. It is a ground-breaking collaboration between the UK's three largest agricultural buying groups; AF Group Ltd, Fram Farmers Ltd and Woldmarsh Producers Ltd, all with equal interests, focused on delivering better value, service, and expertise for our members.

By working together, the new alliance will be a powerful influence in the rural supply chain for our 6,000 Members.

Why create APA?

We have all felt the recent shifts and uncertainty in supply chains. Adjustments and consolidation in, for example, the fertiliser supply chain continue and these are affecting manufacture and distribution.

APA has been established in response to these developments and to better meet the needs of Members of AF Group, Fram Farmers and Woldmarsh.

How will APA work?

To start with, APA will focus on fertiliser and share the benefit of procurement as three buying groups.

You can discuss your fertiliser requirements and give us your forward/early orders in the usual way. We will aggregate your order with those of others and secure product and delivery to get what you need ready for when you need it.

Where can you find out more?

Read our answers to our Members' and suppliers' Frequently Asked Questions about APA.

Best of both worlds

The establishment of APA in no way dilutes the independence, identity or distinct propositions of the three buying groups. The boards of the three founders of APA - AF Group, Fram Farmers and Woldmarsh - are very clear of our very distinct memberships, served and supported in different ways.

With AF, and through APA, we are sure you will see that for fertiliser procurement we are now in an even stronger position to serve you with expert independent advice and best value crop nutrition for the seasons to come.

David Horton-Fawkes   AF Chief Executive

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