AF Group

Are you feeding the right livestock supplements?

06 August 2020
Over the past few decades, livestock supplements and additives have become essential elements of the ruminant and monogastric diet. These allow farmers to utilise chemistry to maximise productivity and to balance out nutrient deficiencies within rations. The term additive is broad and covers a vast range of different products such as vitamins and minerals, buffers, yeasts, protected fats and much more.
The main benefits of using these livestock supplements are varied but include the following:
  • Improved nutrient composition

  • Better digestibility and nutrient absorption

  • Enhanced protein utilisation

  • Selective digestion through provision of nutrients in a ‘bypass’ form

  • Improved palatability

  • Longer shelf life and superior nutrient stability

  • A reduction in the effect of harmful microbes e.g. Mycotoxins, Moulds etc

  • Provision of stabilising support during periods of stress

  • Enhanced gut health through promotion of a healthy microbial flora

  • Prevention and treatment of selected health issues e.g. Coccidiosis

Additives are now available for most eventualities. However, it is important to appreciate that sales reps are often quick to quote the virtues of their products over others. AF have discounted access to most products on the market. Our buyers are 100% independent, therefore they work on behalf of you, the member, to ensure you receive the right product at the right prices. While we do not offer nutritional advice, we do aim to help members identify products that offer a cost-effective solution.Contact the Livestock team to find out more.
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